Work Permit Consultancy
Foreign citizens who reşide outside Turkey are required to apply to the relevant Turkish Consulate of his/her country of residence/citizenship.

HR Department Assistance
The term outsourcing describes the transfer of specific business functions to an external supplier, that is to say, companies specialized in providing them.

Post-Arrival Orientation & City Tours
Post-arrival orientation is a comprehensive process, during which suitable options for various requirements are determined with regard to the outcome of pre-arrival orientation.

Home/Real Estate Search
One of the essential parts of the entire relocation process is home searching for expats who come to a foreign country with working purposes.

Utilities Assistance (Gas, Electricity)
This program comprises getting utilities such as gas, electricity, phone, internet, cable TV, water connected.

Handyman & House-keeping Services
We do not stop assisting you after you have settled in your new house. We offer you our services for maintaining and cleaning your house and furniture.

School/Nursery Search & Registration
Education is a major concern for the families in relocation process. As a very complex and important issue, education programs must be organized in accordance with your individual requirements.

Continuous Consultancy & Support
To start a new life in a foreign country brings along certain difficulties. In addition, you may face with new problems within the dynamism of life.

Residence Permit Consultancy
All foreigners, who would like to live and/or work in Turkey, have to get a residence permit.

Pre-Arrival Contact & Orientation
After we have received a request concerning our services from an expat, we contact him so as to make a pre-interview in no time.

Driving License Procedures
Foreign residents who also want to obtain a Turkish driving licence need to apply to the traffic section of the provincial security directorates.

Turkish Language & Culture Studies
The aim of Turkish language and culture studies is increasing the communication skills and accelerating the adaptation process of the expats.

Legal/Bank/Insurance Assistance
One of the prominent issues which worry the foreigners is the complex legal procedures. We are well aware of the fact that it is.

Establishing a New Company
Regulatory environment of Turkey is considerably business-friendly. One may set up a business in Turkey without considering nationality or place of residence.

Practical Aspects of Life Service
We assist the foreigners in Turkey in every step of their new life through our comprehensive programs.

Departure Assistance
We will accompany you when you are leaving Turkey for a smooth and lovely send-off. Leaving a country is a very complex and tiresome process.

Foreign Nanny And Babysitter Consultancy
Before we provide details on services offered by 9 Ekim, we would like to address a few points that are of great importance in terms of childcare.