About our company

About us

About Us

The expats or families/individuals to reside temporarily or permanently in Turkey contact us directly or through the human resources departments of their international firms.

The legal, logistics and personal needs of expats in relocation process are transmitted to our company through HR departments. Our highly experienced and multilingual staff meets your requirements in a quick and reliable way through legal means, making sure that you don’t suffer the difficulties of being in a foreign country.

Relocation is a process which requires experience and competence as well as perfect command of legal regulations by following the amendments closely. Human resources departments prefer to cooperate with a licenced and experienced company as far as such a complex process is concerned due to the fact that they are perfectly aware that any mistake or deficiency would bring about financial and emotional damage to their company.

We never outsource any step of the relocation process. Our experts carry out and complete every single transaction within the structure of our company.

Major services we offer in the field of foreign personnel relocation are as follow (you may see the whole list here ):

• Assisting HR Departments with Relocation Procedures,
• Pre-Arrival Contact & Orientation,
• Post-Arrival Orientation & City Tours,
• Work Permit / Residence Permit,
• Driving License Procedures,
• Home Search / Office Search,
• Turkish Language & Culture Studies,
• School Search & Registration,
• Establishing a New Company Consultancy,
• Continuous Consultancy & Support

Taxfreecar® – deregistration, registration, bringing from abroad, sell/buy activites of automobiles (TAX free), customs clearance, blue plate, insurance etc.

Our Major Services

Work Permit Consultancy

Our professional staff annually attends education seminars and conferences held by international relocation associations of which we are members.

Residence Permit Consultancy

You are required to apply for a residence permit (Oturum İzni) within 30 days following your arrival in Turkey .

HR Department Assistance

The term outsourcing describes the transfer of specific business functions to an external supplier, that is to say, companies specialized in providing them.

Turkish Language & Culture Studies

The aim of Turkish language and culture studies is increasing the communication skills and accelerating the adaptation process of the expats.

Establishing a New Company

Regulatory environment of Turkey is considerably business-friendly. One may set up a business in Turkey without considering nationality or place of residence.

Pre-Arrival Contact & Orientation

Relocation Process ; After we have received a request concerning our services from an expat, we contact him so as to make a pre-interview in no time.

International Memberships and Accreditations

Our company is a member of Istanbul Customs Consultants Association subject to Republic of Turkey, Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Customs and accredited leading international relocations associations such as WorldwideERC, EURA, AMSA, IAM in the field of relocation and life services.