Foreign Nanny and Babysitter Consultancy Service
Before we provide details on services offered by 9 Ekim, we would like to address a few points that are of great importance in terms of childcare. It is a long-known fact that the foundations of a child’s life are laid down in the period of age 0-6. Everything experienced by a child in such a short period of time, people spending time with him/her, every single word heard, every single object seen, perceived by him/her influence the level of intelligence, learning skills, behaviour patterns and personality of that child.
The initial 6-year period has particular importance in learning a language.
‘Multi-language’ studies are carried out since the beginning of the last century. Even a new term was introduced in Canada: OPOL. The term represents “one parent, one language”. Nany or babysitter speaks to the child in one language and parents speaks in another language. Thus, the child speaks two languages in native level. This is called intentional/artificial bi-lingualism.
Psychologist Jay V. Leopold suggests that bi-lingual education helps a child focus on content rather than the shape and distinguish an object or a term implied with a word, thus creates a positive effect on the mental abilities. A study conducted on volunteer participants in Kettering Cancer Centre, New York revealed that children who learn a second language in addition to their native language use the same part of the brain for storing the information in both native language and second language, the information in the second language that was learnt during adulthood is stored in a separate part. This shows that the language competence is superior when that particular language is learnt during childhood. It was suggested that individuals who learn multiple languages during childhood are less prone to the risk of having Alzheimer
As is seen, an experienced babysitter with good level of English skills can teach English to your child while providing care and supporting your child’s education. So, how will you find such a person? Now, it is time to provide information on our services.
You need a live-in assistant who will take care of your children or parents. You want that person to be experienced and speak a particular language (English) for easy communication, however you do not want to accommodate an illegal worker posing %100 risk in all aspects.
What we offer:
- There are experienced local agencies in Nepal and Philippines authorized by the Ministries of Labour which we can recommend subject to the official approval of the Ministry of Labour.
- After you find the nanny or assistant you require, our company undertakes all legal procedures related with travelling, obtaining a residence permit and work permit in Turkey, insurance and drawing up an employment contract.
In the past, many Turkish had to employ illegal nannies and caretakers due to the lack of necessary legal regulations in Turkey. However, foreign nannies and caretakers gained right to work legally upon enactment of the relevant regulation on February 2012 by the Ministry of Labour.
Our company providing relocation and work/ residence permit services in connection with foreign personnel for 23 years opened a special department for the purpose of obtaining the work permits and fulfilling the operational requirements for foreign nannies and caretakers upon development of the legal regulatory foundations. Foreign nannies and caretakers recruited view Erbil Danismanlik will work as legal workers that have all official documents and rights such as health report, criminal record, work and residence permit, insurance, etc. They will serve to the employee families subject to the provisions of an employment contract, thus you will establish a trust-based and long-lasting relationship with employees.
Fill the Contact Form and tell us your expectations about the assistant to be employed for the care of your baby or parents, and we contact you with the details as soon as possible as the official procedure is completed in approximately 45/60 days.